team anthemis

Anthemis, the fun and smart Peacock story.

The orange Peacock invites you to meet endless high end fabrics and material, for interior design and the design industry. As the display shows, the choice range is very large and even infinite ! Why? Because we are creating collections that make sense all year round. But above all, because we propose two amazing options : a 100% bespoke fabric AND the pre order possibility.

# The 100% bespoke

You create your fabric with us starting from 0 and we develop it for you (with the Peacok helps of course). This service is possible thanks to our strong knowledge of the textile industry and the mastery of all the technical stages of a fabric production. But also to our passionated weavers and finishers who were here much earlier than us !

# The pre order

We have hundreds of patterns remaining at the development stage, never selected for a collection because the production minimal quantities required is too high. With the pre order, no more restrictions ! Order together and a unique fabric will be born !

# Our customer service

Icing on the Peacock, we are doing our best to bring you a faultless and qualitative service . Cheerfulness because it counts, but above all efficient answers to your questions. Advicing and sharing a knowledge around textile and furnishing industry to guide you the best way for your technical and stylistic choices. Samples shipping as fast as the Peacock can fly (but in fact am I flying ?), Efficient order management, deliveries on time and after sales solutions !
